Tag: Gospatrick Road

Minutes of the TGRG meeting on 13 November 2023


Attendees: Friedrich, Fiona, Kim, Tanya, Kim, Valeria, Daniel
Councillor attending: Liam Carroll
Harringay representative: Brian Ellick


Attendees introduced themselves. Despite Veolia having confirmed they would send someone to the meeting, nobody from Veolia attended. [It has since been confirmed that the person due to attend forgot to come. She has offered to attend another TGRG meeting.]
Brian Ellick, Head of Anti-social Behaviour and Enforcement at Haringey attended the meeting and took questions throughout. Brian said he would speak to his contacts at Veolia about why nobody from Veolia had attended.


The problem of dumping outside 57 Gospatrick Road was discussed. Friedrich explained that since he had spoken to the dumpers, the problem hadn’t recurred. On that basis Brian said for the moment he wouldn’t take any further steps.
Other dumping hotspots in Tower Gardens were discussed, including 100 Tower Gardens and Turnant Road. Brian said he was familiar with the issues at Turnant Road.

Reporting dumping to Haringey

Brian explained how Haringey decides which areas to prioritise when it comes to policing fly-tipping. He said that the more issues are reported, whether online or via the ‘love clean streets’ app, the more resources will be directed to the area. So it is important to report instances of dumping to Haringey.
Brian explained that what is particularly valuable for his team is evidence showing that specific people have dumped in the same place on several occasions. If residents have this kind of information the best way to report it is by email to flytippingevidence@haringey.gov.uk.

Burning rubbish

The issue of burning rubbish was discussed. Brian explained that there are no laws against burning rubbish per se, but if burning causes a nuisance to neighbours, Haringey can get involved. Burning may cause a nuisance due to the smell, amount of smoke etc. Burning should not be allowed to affect neighbours’ enjoyment of their own properties.
Issues around the burning of rubbish can be reported on the Haringey website.

Rubbish collection

Issues around rubbish collection were discussed. Specifically, people complained that some residents keep their bins on pavements instead of in their front gardens.
Rubbish collectors also tend to leave the bins in the middle of the pavement, often with the lids open, so that if it rains they fill with water.
Brian said that issues to do with bins and rubbish collection should be raised directly with Veolia.

Autumn leaves

The fact that leaves are not being collected from some streets was discussed. On other streets, leaves are only cleared from one side of the road.

Next meeting

To be confirmed. Likely to be in the first few months of the new year.

Kind regards

Tower Gardens Residents Group

Minutes of the Tower Gardens Residents Group Tuesday 14th June 2023


Tuesday 14th June 2023 7 pm Larkspur Close Meeting Room  

Attended by residents, elected committee, and Cllr Ahmed Mahbub
Present: Stephen, Anna, Jace, Colleen, Rohilla, Tanya, Miteh and Leanne, Claudia, Kate, Fiona, Matthew, Valeria, Friedrich, Ruth 

1.     Introductions  

2.     Update from police/neighbourhood watch – police are not attending residents group meetings currently in White Hart Lane, despite our efforts. If you have crime issues to raise, please let Friedrich Ernst know, as he’s attending the Ward Panel meeting on 22 June.  

3.     Update on Councillor Bull’s outstanding work. We discussed these cases, some of which have gone back 20 years. We now understand that there isn’t a separate list for these cases, and no central record of them. There was no handover so all these issues must be raised again/anew in the hope that there is a record of them with LBH staff members/teams.  

4.     Update from Ward Councillor Cllr Ahmed Mahbub Cllr Walkabout – there was a walkabout last week to look at specific instances including subsiding buildings, hedges, fly tipping.  

5.     Privet hedges – these are out of control in many cases and the council is working on a strategy to deal with this, for aesthetic and crime control, safety and pedestrian reasons.  

6.     Parking on public green space – this continues to be a problem particularly at the public green at the corner of Henningham Road and Waltheof Ave. New railings/posts would prevent this.  

7.     100 Tower Gardens Road – this is not being leased by the Council but it appears to have occupants who may be squatters. The building should be brought back into public use for LBH and the local community.  

8.     WEE – the Council will soon start free collections of waste electrical equipment (WEE). Further info to follow.  

9.     Dumping and update on camera request for Turnant Road – Ruth/Cllr Stennett. There is a large burden of proof needed, in order to obtain a camera as these are in short supply. Ruth is liaising by email.  

10. Further discussion about fly tipping – view that the neighbourhood resembles a ‘pigsty’ and wondering how much it costs to collect the daily dumps on all roads in the area. Friedrich has helpfully put up a sign in Gospatrick Road and maybe more signs will help – easier than installing cameras. We need to change local culture which says dumping is alright.  

11. Potholes and pathways – Risley Avenue and Waltheof Avenue – suggested to report the potholes using the mobile phone app and log them. Action: Cllr Mahbub to update on LBH potholes plan.   

12. Pathways – the brick pathways around public green space, e.g. in Risley – these are not maintained. They must be Council property so can they look into this?  

13. Risley Avenue Park entrance – update from Ruth – this project is ongoing to rectify poor quality design and planting.  

14. Tim update – Tim arrived late at the meeting and attempted to gain admission but this was refused by the Committee. It was explained to Tim via a window that his behaviour is rude and threatening and he left. A further discussion concluded with the request that a LBH form be circulated on which any instances of anti-social behaviour are recorded, and forwarded to Chris Patterson, LBH. Action: Secretary to forward this form. They can be returned to the Secretary, or directly to Chris Patterson.  

15. Friends of Tower Gardens Park – picnic on 24th June – an excellent flyer was distributed. Please come along to the event on 24th, 12 midday to 4 pm. 

16. Open House Sunday 17th Sept – organised by Ruth – please support!  

17. Noise nuisance – discussion of a very noisy party last Sunday in Risley Avenue and other similar events that go on very late at night. Recommended to phone 101 (police non-urgent number) and report via the Council’s antisocial behaviour unit.  

18. Illegal pavement crossovers in Gospatrick Road – information was passed to Cllr Mahbub for investigation by LBH.  

19. Low Traffic Neighbourhoods – there was a lively discussion and many views were put forward about the effects of the LTNs and their implementation which was sudden and with limited prior consultation. The experiment is continuing and evaluation is taking place.  

Minutes of Tower Gardens Residents Group meeting: 15 May 2018


Meeting of the Tower Gardens Residents Group

on Tuesday 15 May Larkspur Close Meeting Room


Mary (Chair), Matthew (Sec), Friedrich (Vice Chair), Fiona, Tom, Claudia, Thea, Dick Tomlinson, Zoe, Ruth. Apologies: Councillors, Chiara, Karen.

Meeting of the Tower Gardens Residents Group on Tuesday 15 May Larkspur Close Meeting Room


Mary (Chair), Matthew (Sec), Friedrich (Vice Chair), Fiona, Tom, Claudia, Thea, Dick Tomlinson, Zoe, Ruth. Apologies: Councillors, Chiara, Karen.

Crime and Antisocial behaviour

Drug dealing with white Audi car parked near the gates of Risley Ave allotments
Caravan parked on Risley Ave near jct with Waltheof Ave, apparently being used for dwelling.
Homeless men sleeping near Turnpike Lane and Wood Green stations – does the Council have staff who are able to help them?

Littering and fly tipping

The whole estate is covered in fly tipping and since the introduction of the charge for green waste bin this has also increased. Fewer than one in ten properties have the new bin.
There is also a lot of dumping at bins, e.g. Gospatrick Road, including food waste, on a daily basis.

Conservation Area Issues

Nairita, the Council’s conservation officer, is leaving to go to a new job. We are waiting for the publication of new Conservation Area Appraisal for Tower Gardens from the Council. Date unconfirmed at present. It is hoped this will reduce the home ‘improvements’ that contravene the guidelines.

Unsafe driving

There is much evidence of unsafe driving including many collisions on the Roundway, Westbury Ave and other local roads. We need more traffic calming measures including cameras and speed traps.


Cllr Ejiofor is the new leader, replacing Clare Kober.
Councillors asked to provide more information at the next meeting. The meeting congratulated our councillors on their re-election.

Tree Planting

The Council has planted six new trees that we requested on the western branch of the Roundway. Further funding is now available from the Greener City Fund with deadline of 18 June and Matthew has the paperwork.

Tower Gardens Park

This is quite overgrown and not well used and there is a fear of antisocial behaviour including drug dealing. There was a discussion about a need for a strategic review of the park. Dick Tomlinson said that the council was seeking funding to prune the large plane trees. Zoe presented the idea of a friends of the park group.

Upcoming Events

Matthew is opening his garden for the National Garden Scheme on Saturday 7 July.
Ruth is organising the Tower Gardens self guided tour as part of the London Open City/Open House weekend on 23 September.
Please keep an eye on the Tower Gardens Facebook page for updates.

Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 3 July at 7 pm

Minutes of Tower Gardens Residents Group 2016 AGM



Wednesday 22nd June 2016 at 7 pm
Meeting Room: Larkspur Close off Fryatt Road.


  • Mark Kalemkerian, Philippa Snoaden, Matthew Bradby, Friedrich Ernst, Gladys Nichols, Kathleen Nichols, Claudia Neil, Ava, Chaira Contrino, Colette Kirkbride, Philippa Snoaden, Sebastiao Schoning
  • Cllrs Anne Stennett, Charles Adje, Gideon Bull
  • Chris Bell from Homes for Haringey
  • Pauline Syddell – Met Police and PC James Fulton

Apologies – Ruth Crowley, Jennifer Kirk, Fiona.


Last years’ minutes
These were circulated and agreed.
These were circulated and agreed. It was noted that we had been successful in getting a £2000 grant from Haringey Council ward budgets – £1500 of this is for trees. Other money for website and also for community clean up.
Matthew will contact the Council about tree planting this autumn.
Matthew will contact Sarah Hayes from Cleanup UK to arrange a date for further clean up of the estate.
The following were elected as full committee members:
Mary Kalemkerian (Chair) Matthew Bradby (Sec) Karen  (Treasurer) Friedrich Ernst (Vice Chair); other members Chaira Contrino, Claudia Neil, Philippa Snoaden, Colette Kirkbride.
Policing and antisocial behaviour
PC Fulton and Pauline Syddell gave an update on local news and also about Neighbourhood Watch.
Matthew reported that anti social behaviour at Turnpike Lane station had got worse recently; Pauline indicated that there would be new cameras and that police were aware.
Rubbish and collections
It was noted that Veolia had missed a lot of collections recently in Gospatrick Road; other areas have been alright. When collections are missed this leads to an increase in street dumping.
We recognised there were two issues – dumping by residents on the street, and fly tipping that may be by traders/landlords/construction jobs.
Everyone is encouraged to report missed collections, dumping and fly tipping.
Controlled parking and traffic
Some residents were experiencing problems parking outside their house – e.g. in Risley Avenue and Gospatrick Road. The process for extending a CPZ was discussed.
Residents are very concerned about traffic, particularly speeding on the Roundway and Lordship Lane, and the junction between them opposite Sainsburys. The Council has asked TFL to look at this but there is no funding for an additional crossing here. There is currently no safe crossing between north and south side of Lordship Lane anywhere near the junction.
Resolution: that this meeting is very concerned by traffic conditions, particularly speeding, on the Roundway and Lordship Lane junction and asks for traffic calming measures to be taken by relevant authorities.
We discussed having another clean up and celebratory event during the summer holidays.
This would focus on Waltheof Avenue and Waltheof Gardens.
Dates to be discussed. E.g. Morning of 23 July

The meeting concluded and Chris Bell gave Matthew relevant paperwork to complete for registration with the Council for the forthcoming year.

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