Tag: Houses of Multiple Occupation

Minutes of Tower Gardens Residents Group meeting: 16 October 2018


Present: Mary, Matthew, Friedrich, Claudia, Chris, Anna, Thea, Stuart, Ruth

Cllr Bull, Cllr Stennett

Pauline and Louis (Met Police)

Apologies: Zoe and Karen



Tower Gardens Park – discussion around policing, council and voluntary action to deter rough sleeping in the park. Up to seven people are known to be sleeping there at the present time, with problems including an aggressive dog, fires, litter and human waste. The meeting agreed that this situation is awful. The homeless people have been offered alternative accommodation by charity Homeless Link but have apparently declined.

Litter Pick – Saturday 27th October at 10 am Tower Gardens Park, Risley Ave entrance – Please Join Us!

Burglaries – four of the five known burglars are behind bars. There is a new service from a company called www.ring.com where you can connect a doorbell to your phone, so that you can answer it from any location.

Bins and Dumping – this is a huge problem – Gideon said the Labour Group in the Council knows it must work harder on this. There is a meeting for Neighbourhood Watch members on this issue, 1 November, 7pm at the Civic Centre in Wood Green. Please attend if you can. There is also a new Facebook group called Tidy Up Tottenham – please join and share pics. Also – please use the mobile phone app to report fly tipping, littering etc. Drugs caravans – there are various reports of different caravans in the area where people may live and engage in illegal activity. People should note details especially exact location to send to the Council — Enforcement Officer details below.
Conservation Officer

There is a new conservation officer called Elisabetta Tonazzi. Matthew has met her and will speak to her about the estate when he can.

Houses of Multiple Occupation

If you know any of these that you think are unauthorised, please pass specific information (i.e. address) on to the residents’ group or the Council.

Open House

Ruth reported this was a success despite the rain and over £100 was raised for charity.

Parking in Front Gardens

This is a big problem and will get worse once the football stadium is built. Please report to the Council. Enforcement officer is


Some residents have noticed increased numbers of planes over the estate including light aircraft. Gideon may be able to find out more, or suggested contact our MP David Lammy.

Dick Tomlinson – Memorial Tree

It was agreed to plant a tree on the estate in memory of Dick, the much respected late local resident and arboricultural officer who passed away recently. Matthew suggested a space near the roundabout at the top of Waltheof Ave. Matthew to contact Council tree dept to discuss. This is in addition to any other trees in Dick’s memory elsewhere in the borough.

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