Minutes of Tower Gardens Residents Group meeting: 24 July 2018


Tower Gardens Residents Group

Meeting 24 July 2018 at Larkspur Close Meeting Room.

Present: Mary (Chair) Friedrich (vice chair) Matthew (sec), Fiona, Larbi, Collette, Dick, John Brown, Stuart, Thea, Grace, Karen, Ruth, Claudette.
Police: Lucy, Hassan, Simon, Pauline
Cllr Gideon Bull

Summary of Matters Discussed: 

Condition of estate – concerns raised about overhanging trees, and other areas of neglect. Dick said that tree works were coming soon.

Crime – five known burglars are operating in the area and police are monitoring their activities. Action is also being taken against drug dealers on the estate. Dealers are known to police.
There are also problems with bikes being raced down Risley Avenue.
The unmarked caravan parked on Risley Ave has recently moved but there are concerns it is a centre for antisocial behaviour of various kinds.
If anyone would like to find out more about the ‘Smartwater’ please contact Pauline.

Waltheof Gardens – there are no plans to build houses or flats here. There is not enough space. There may be proposals to build new higher quality social/health facilities to replace the existing 4 buildings.

Notice boards on the estate – these have been vandalised beyond repair and the meeting believes they should be replaced.

Conservation issues – the breezeblock extension on Risley Ave jct with Siward Road is awful. The Council has refused retrospective consent as the building does not meet any standards.

2A Risley Avenue – this is an eyesore and cars are parked in the front garden.

Littering and fly tipping continues to be a problem, and there are persistent problems regarding the bins on Lordship Lane that have never been resolved. Re: Homes for Haringey properties.

Tower Gardens Park – Zoe has been instrumental in getting a new friends group together. A friends group is really useful as it can bid for funds. There is now a Facebook page. 

Trees – Matthew has received a street tree pack to help us celebrate the trees on the estate.
Dick has been working with youth centres to help raise tree seeds for future plantings. Important to help increase ecological and amenity value.

Website – Larbi Ernst is liaising with Karen about updating the site.

Open House – this will take place on Sunday 23 September

Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 11 September

Minutes of Tower Gardens Residents Group meeting: 15 May 2018
Minutes of Tower Gardens Residents Group meeting: 16 October 2018
  • Dear all, I live on Tower Garden Road and am so glad I have found this forum to state my feelings here. I have a few issues, I have been burgled a few months ago, the burglar came back the following week to help himself of the items he missed the first time. I am so glad he has now been put away in prison for 18mths, Had i been aware of this site i would have been aware I am not the only one to suffer..to talk about suffering, i am being over run by foxes living in my and the adjoining gardens, I am under siege, can anyone offer me any advice to move them on!! Trees, I think i have the largest tree at the bottom of my garden (in the park), when are they are going to be pruned, they are getting overgrown and stopping the light from coming into my house, only the ones on Awfield Ave have been done, none in the park. Also where have all the birds gone, they have been replaced by Crows, even they have diminished and the pigeons too, i am told the foxes have eaten them all!! so i guess i cant win.
    is there any news regarding the relaxation of the planning laws i am thinking of having a loft conversion done?

    Thank You

    • Hi Cheryl,

      The next meeting of the residents group will be Tuesday 1st October at 7pm. Venue to be confirmed. Crime and planning are regular topics at these meetings.

      Additionally the Friends of Tower Gardens Park will be meeting in the park on Saturday 28th at 10am for a working party. The park group has been discussing the trees with the council so they may be able to give an update on pruning. You can contact them via email at towergardenspark@gmail.com

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